Spain and Portugals’ culture is tied to the sea, meaning that they have more to do with other countries surrounding the Mediterranean then the rest of Europe. Their history has more to do with north Africa and other countries on the coast of the Mediterranean. Spain and Portugal’s cultures also have more in common with countries coasted by the Mediterranean. They have the same type of agriculture.
France, Germany, and other countries of Europe’s mainland, have similar cultures and history. They were also tied together in the fact that they were all greatly affected in almost the same way by wars. One war that affected them was World War II. Their agriculture is very similar because of their climate. They have these things in common mostly because they are within the area attached to the Iberian Peninsula.
Spain and Portugal are isolated from most of the rest of Europe. They are on the Iberian Peninsula, which isolates them even more. The Pyrenees mountain range also cuts them off from the rest of Europe. Like many peninsulas, The Iberian Peninsula is surrounded by water. This causes their agriculture to depend on the Mediterranean climate. These are all reasons why contact with Spain and Portugal is very limited.
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